Sunday, February 27, 2011

EFF Rolls Out Porn BitTorrent Spreadsheet

EFF Rolls Out Porn BitTorrent Spreadsheet
How will 3D impact the world of adult entertainment?
It will usher in a new era of great profits for the industry


There will be limited consumer demand, select producers will profit


There will be little to no demand


Out of 310 votes. Results based on votes submitted by members of social network.
Friday, Feb 25, 2011    Text size:   

SAN FRANCISCO — The Electronic Frontier Foundation has published an Excel spreadsheet document listing recent dismissals of porn BitTorrent cases.

The spreadsheet lists all of the studios, movie titles, attorneys and number of dismissed and current John Does related to 36 mass defendant lawsuits in which judges dismissed more than 40,000 unnamed John Does accused of illegal file sharing.

The attorneys listed include Kenneth Ford of the Adult Copyright Co. in West Va.; John Steele of Chicago's Media Copyright Group; Evan Stone of the Copyright Defense Agency in Texas; Dunlap, Grubb and Weaver of the Washington, D.C.-based U.S. Copyright Group; and Gill Sperlein of San Francisco-based Titan Media. All of the cases involved adult movies, except for those filed by Dunlap, Grubb and Weaver and one Stone lawsuit.

The adult studios listed include Elegant Angel, Patrick Collins, Hustler Video, New Sensations, Lightspeed Media, Diabolic Video Productions, West Coast Productions, Axel Braun Productions, Third Degree and Harmony Films, among others.

The EFF said that because of the dismissals, the porn BitTorrent plaintiffs in the spreadsheet must now re-file against almost all of the Does individually rather than suing them en mass.

"These rulings may have a significant impact on the copyright trolls’ business model, which relies on being able to sue thousands of Does at once with a minimum of administrative expense," the EFF said. "The cost of filing suit against each Doe may prove prohibitively expensive to plaintiffs’ attorneys who are primarily interested in extracting quick, low-hassle settlements.

"However, EFF has received reports that some Does are still receiving notices from their ISP’s informing them that their identities are being sought in relation to these cases."

The Excel sheet can be accessed here.


EFF Rolls Out Porn BitTorrent Spreadsheet

EFF Rolls Out Porn BitTorrent Spreadsheet
How will 3D impact the world of adult entertainment?
It will usher in a new era of great profits for the industry


There will be limited consumer demand, select producers will profit


There will be little to no demand


Out of 310 votes. Results based on votes submitted by members of social network.
Friday, Feb 25, 2011    Text size:   

SAN FRANCISCO — The Electronic Frontier Foundation has published an Excel spreadsheet document listing recent dismissals of porn BitTorrent cases.

The spreadsheet lists all of the studios, movie titles, attorneys and number of dismissed and current John Does related to 36 mass defendant lawsuits in which judges dismissed more than 40,000 unnamed John Does accused of illegal file sharing.

The attorneys listed include Kenneth Ford of the Adult Copyright Co. in West Va.; John Steele of Chicago's Media Copyright Group; Evan Stone of the Copyright Defense Agency in Texas; Dunlap, Grubb and Weaver of the Washington, D.C.-based U.S. Copyright Group; and Gill Sperlein of San Francisco-based Titan Media. All of the cases involved adult movies, except for those filed by Dunlap, Grubb and Weaver and one Stone lawsuit.

The adult studios listed include Elegant Angel, Patrick Collins, Hustler Video, New Sensations, Lightspeed Media, Diabolic Video Productions, West Coast Productions, Axel Braun Productions, Third Degree and Harmony Films, among others.

The EFF said that because of the dismissals, the porn BitTorrent plaintiffs in the spreadsheet must now re-file against almost all of the Does individually rather than suing them en mass.

"These rulings may have a significant impact on the copyright trolls’ business model, which relies on being able to sue thousands of Does at once with a minimum of administrative expense," the EFF said. "The cost of filing suit against each Doe may prove prohibitively expensive to plaintiffs’ attorneys who are primarily interested in extracting quick, low-hassle settlements.

"However, EFF has received reports that some Does are still receiving notices from their ISP’s informing them that their identities are being sought in relation to these cases."

The Excel sheet can be accessed here.


Betty Dodson - The Internal Clitoris

Attention Arizona!

ACT NOW: Two anti-choice bills will be voted on in the Arizona House of Representatives TOMORROW!

megaphone ladyWe just found out that HB2416 AND HB2384 will be voted on byHouse Committee of the Whole (COW) tomorrow.  Usually, bills are approved in the COW and then scheduled for a final vote (Third Read) at least a few days later.  Last Monday, another anti-choice bill we are tracking (HB2443 – Gender and Race-Based Abortion Prohibition - see how YOUR legislator voted by clicking here) was voted on in COW and then IMMEDIATELY voted on in Third Read without notice to the public.  There was no time to make our voices heard to our legislators on this issue.  Which is exactly what opponents of choice want.  So this week we are alerting you that two more bills will be voted on in the House COW, and could possibly go to a final, third read, vote immediately afterward without government transparency, so that you get a chance this time to make your voice heard.  We will NOT let them silence us this time. 

Please TAKE ACTION on BOTH of the items below:

Here is some background information on these two bills:

House Bill 2416 – Deny Access to Early Abortion

Planned Parenthood believes that women must be provided with the best possible care to ensure they are able to make well-informed decisions. HB2416 does nothing to ensure that.  Instead, HB2416:

  • Redefines taking the abortion pill as “surgery” and therefore the definition of abortionfor the purposes of determining which healthcare facilities must be licensed as abortion clinics, and the rules governing those clinics.
  • Requires the appointment of guardians ad litem for every minor asking a judge to waive the parental consent requirement for abortion adding additional burdens and delays to the process.
  • Introduces an entirely new regulatory burden regarding informed consent having to do with ultrasound. Legislators are now micromanaging medical standards and guidelines.
  • Bans providing abortion by pill through audio or video communications (Telemedicine).

These extravagant over-regulations will result in the majority of Arizona’s current abortion providers becoming ineligible to provide care and complete loss of availability to early abortion care for rural women across our state.

Planned Parenthood Arizona believes that this bill intrudes upon a patient's privacy, endangers her health and assaults her dignity. It dangerously discounts a woman's abilities to make informed decisions about her own health. This bill fails to address the root problems of unplanned pregnancy and will do nothing to reduce the actual number of abortions.

House Bill 2384 - Tax Credit Discrimination

HB2384 would limit organizational eligibility for the Arizona Working Poor Tax Credit on the basis of providing, referring to, promoting, paying for, or providing coverage for abortions. This bill specifically targets Planned Parenthood as an organization and is discriminatory because Planned Parenthood is the only abortion provider that is a qualifying organization. This bill is not only designed to prevent PPAZ from continuing to qualify as a charitable organization, but is essentially gagging all other charitable organizations from referring their clients to us for care.

ANY organization that serves the working poor that provides, funds, refers, or offers insurance coverage for abortion cannot qualify for the credit under this bill.

By taking away these tax credit donations, this bill will only reduce access to essential safety net preventive care that Planned Parenthood provides, such as well-woman exams, breast cancer screenings, and cervical cancer screenings, since none of this money is used to fund abortion.

Abortion accounts for less than 10% of the services provided by Planned Parenthood Arizona. We believe that the women and families of Arizona should not lose access to the life-saving, preventive care that Planned Parenthood provides because of this politically-motivated bill.

Please TAKE ACTION TODAY and tell YOUR Representative to VOTE NO on HB2416 AND HB2384, and forward this alert to your pro-choice friends!

Thank you for your support of Planned Parenthood and the thousands we serve. 

Pink Join PPAA Banner 2010

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sorry for all the duplicates....

I want to thank you all for your patience while I imported the entire blog catalog over from the Erotomania blog on Google's Blogger platform. I think I wound up importing it twice by accident...sorry! The import is now complete and this blog will be the primary adult content blog and will be autofed out to the other ones so if you don't wish to receive duplicate enteries then unsubscribe from the others. Thanks again!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Our mission Statement:
Sex Workers Outreach Project-USA is a national social justice network dedicated to the fundamental human rights of sex workers and their communities, focusing on ending violence and stigma through education and advocacy.

SWOP, at its most basic, is an anti-violence campaign. As a multi-state network of sex workers and advocates, we address locally and nationally the violence that sex workers experience because of their criminal status.

Operating in one of the most prominently violent societies today, sex workers in America experience this phenomenon pointedly in the context of their criminal status. Yet, sex workers are seldom afforded protection or recourse from violent acts committed against them because of the precarious, often graft-ridden relationship between sex work and law enforcement. Society tolerates violence against sex workers because of the stigma and myths that surround prostitution. Only until these falsehoods are corrected and sex workers are legitimized will we be able to effectively prevent and minimize the structural and occupational challenges of sex work.

Serial killers like Gary Leon Ridgeway, the Green River Killer who preyed on prostitutes, managed to evade law enforcement for over 2 decades. Meanwhile women, like Robyn Few and Shannon Williams, who as adults had consensual sex for money, are routinely targeted for elaborate high budget police stings. This gross misappropriation of public resources systematically entraps sex work to be a profession that is unsafe and stigmatized. The system, effectively, is institutional violence against the people who exchange money for sex.

SWOP works to educate policy-makers and the public on the institutional harms committed against sex workers, and advocates for alternatives. Started on Aug. 13th, 2003 our first major action was to organize the first annual International Day to End Violence against Sex Workers in 2003 with the Green River Memorial to the victims of Gary Leon Ridgeway. In 2004, SWOP spearheaded a voter ballot initiative to decriminalize prostitution in Berkeley, CA. Some of our more recent work focuses on amending so called "protective" legislation like the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000 (and now its reauthorization in 2005 with the new End Demand provisions) which has increased criminal penalties and the stigma associated with sex work.

SWOP promotes proven and effective social policy approaches to the sex industry. In order to reach its goals, SWOP adopts the principles and practices of nonviolent action in order to reduce violence and achieve dignity and rights for sex workers.


About America's Sexuality Day 03-03


Sex is unquestionably a primary, essential impulse for humanity’s
survival and individual pleasure.  Whether we each choose to be
sexual or celibate, guided solely by  impulse or social/religious
structures, we all navigate a diverse landscape of sexuality in
America.   Yet, there is no date specifically designated to honor and
understand our sex in America.

March 3, the historic anniversary of The Comstock Act of 1873–
America’s congressionally authorized national censorship laws against
sexual free speech– is the most advantageous date for celebrating
the complex symbiotic relationship of sex, individuality, culture and
our democracy.


AMERICA’S SEXUALITY DAY is an exploratory collaboration initiated by
The Comstockery Collaborative TM, promoting broad and inclusive
national celebration and understanding to sexuality in America.

The Comstockery Conversation TM will be 501 (c) (3) compliant,
exploring various methods to engage the public.

“The Strange Bedfellow Coalition”  asks people to invite someone of
other sexual beliefs to respectful dialogue

The Comstockery!* (It’s JustSex) Hero Awards, welcomes the public to
nominate and vote for their sexual heroes in the arts, education,
policy and lifestyle.

The Comstockery Campaign TM will promote bi-partisan 501 (c) (4)
compliant governmental lobbying on behalf of sexual knowledge,  free
speech and human sexual rights.

The first of our efforts is a Petition for a Congressional Resolution
for Sex , a publically editable online petition that, when finalized,
will petition Congress to officially recognize the contributions of
sexuality in our democracy and humanity, on the anniversary of its

About the Kinsey Institute

[title bar for About the Institute]

The Kinsey Institute at Indiana University works towards advancing sexual health and knowledge worldwide. For over 60 years, the institute has been a trusted source for investigating and informing the world about critical issues in sex, gender and reproduction.

What we do

Today the Institute investigates sexual behavior and sexual health, and carries out its mission through:

Who we are

The Institute was founded in 1947, just before the publication of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male in1948, by pioneering sex researcher Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey.

Please contact us for more information about The Kinsey Institute.

About the ADL

The Anti-Defamation League was founded in 1913 "to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all." Now the nation's premier civil rights/human relations agency, ADL fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, defends democratic ideals and protects civil rights for all. 

A leader in the development of materials, programs and services, ADL builds bridges of communication, understanding and respect among diverse groups, carrying out its mission through a network of 30 Regional and Satellite Offices in the United States and abroad. 

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry in the U.S. and abroad through information, education, legislation, and advocacy. ADL serves as a resource for government, 
"The immediate object of the League is to stop, by appeals to reason and conscience and, if necessary, by appeals to law, the defamation of the Jewish people. Its ultimate purpose is to secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike and to put an end forever to unjust and unfair discrimination against and ridicule of any sect or body of citizens." 

ADL Charter October 1913

media, law enforcement, educators and the public. The League:

  • scrutinizes and exposes extremists and hate groups
  • monitors hate on the Internet
  • provides expertise on domestic and international terrorism
  • probes the roots of hatred
  • develops and delivers educational programs
  • fosters interfaith/intergroup relations
  • mobilizes communities to stand up against bigotry
  • defends the security of Israel and Jews worldwide
  • maintains a comprehensive and up-to-date Web
Anti-Semitism, Racism And Bigotry
  • In the forefront of the fight against anti-Semitism, challenges American and world leaders and the United Nations to take action against anti-Jewish bigotry and violence and exposes and condemns attacks on Jews.
  • Through a comprehensive Web site and publications, provides the knowledge and tools to counteract anti-Semitism, hatred and intolerance.
  • America’s prime resource for information on and responses to bigotry.
  • Collects and carefully evaluates a vast amount of information on anti-Semites, racists and extremists and provides a yearly analysis of anti-Jewish activities in an annual Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents. 
  • Through the polling of American and other nations’ attitudes toward Jews, remains in the forefront of gauging anti-Semitism at home and abroad.
  • Monitors, analyzes and exposes an entire range of extremists from the obscure to the more prominent.  Issues Extremism in America: A Guide, an encyclopedia of American extremists that is continually updated.
  • Law Enforcement Agency Resource Network (,
  • ) is a comprehensive, frequently updated informational resource for law enforcement personnel engaged in combating hate groups, hate crimes, and hate symbols.  
  Identifying And Combating Hate

Leading the efforts to deter and counter hate-motivated crimes, the League drafted model hate crimes legislation in 1981, covering all hate crimes.  Forty-five states have since enacted laws based on or similar to the model, which was unanimously deemed constitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1993.
  • As part of a joint effort, formed Partners Against Hate to provide outreach, education and training in techniques to prevent juvenile hate-related behavior.
  • Maintains an extensive online visual database of extremist symbols, logos and tattoos.
  • Works to further the mission of combating hate through education.  Its award-winning A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE® Institute programs provide anti-bias education and training with curriculums and materials available for Pre-K through university students, community groups, corporations, civic associations, religious organizations and law enforcement agencies.
Religious Freedom
  • Regards the separation of church and state as essential to preserving religious freedom in our increasingly pluralistic society.  Engaged in action to safeguard religious liberty throughout society, including in the workplace and classroom.
Interfaith Affairs
  • Builds and maintains relationships and dialogue with international, national and local religious leaders of all faiths. Monitors and attempts to resolve interfaith issues, and helps educate non-Jewish religious leaders about Jewish history, theology and philosophy.
  • Through the Bearing Witness program, a partnership with The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Archdiocese of Washington, provides Catholic school educators with the training and resources necessary to teach their students about anti-Semitism and the Holocaust.
  • Supports the Jewish State by advocating for Israel and explaining political and security issues and the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian/Israel-Arab conflict with U.S. policymakers, the media and the public through programs, publications and contact with officials.
  • Jerusalem Office hosts fact-finding missions to Israel and provides expertise on anti-bias training for Israeli educational, military and law enforcement institutions.
International Affairs
  • Monitors and combats global anti-Semitism and extremism and promotes the security and well being of Jewish communities around the world.  Provides expertise to governments and non-government institutions worldwide. 
  • A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE® Institute anti-bias training programs exist in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Italy, and the Netherlands, reaching educators, and law enforcement professionals.  Youth in Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Austria and the United Kingdom have participated in peer-training programs.
  • Maintains an office in Moscow and a representative in Italy.


About the ACLU

"So long as we have enough people in this country willing to fight for their rights, we'll be called a democracy.”

 -- ACLU Founder Roger Baldwin

• The ACLU's work is sustained by over 500,000 members and supporters who play an active role in defending freedom.
• Nearly 200 ACLU staff attorneys and thousands of volunteer attorneys handle countless civil liberties cases every year.
• Our legislative advocates are aconstant presence on Capitol Hill and in state legislatures working on civil liberties issues.
• The ACLU has staffed offices in all 50 states, Puerto Rico andWashington, D.C.

A Great Investment
• For the sixth consecutive year, the ACLU has received a 4-star ratingfrom Charity Navigator, America's largest independent evaluator of charities.
• The ACLU also meets the highest standards of The Wise Giving Alliance of the Better Business Bureau 

charity navigator


The ACLU is our nation's guardian of liberty, working daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country.

These rights include:

  • Your First Amendment rights - freedom of speech, association and assembly; freedom of the press, and freedom of religion.
  • Your right to equal protection under the law - protection against unlawful discrimination.
  • Your right to due process - fair treatment by the government whenever the loss of your liberty or property is at stake.
  • Your right to privacy - freedom from unwarranted government intrusion into your personal and private affairs.

The ACLU also works to extend rights to segments of our population that have traditionally been denied their rights, including people of color; women; lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender people; prisoners; and people with disabilities.

If the rights of society's most vulnerable members are denied, everybody's rights are imperiled.Support the ACLU today.


The U.S. Supreme Court had yet to uphold a single free speech claim when Roger Baldwin, Crystal Eastman, Albert DeSilver and others formed the ACLU in 1920. Activists languished in jail for distributing anti-war literature. State sanctioned violence against African Americans was routine. Women won the right to vote only in August of that year. Constitutional rights for lesbians and gays, bisexual and transgender people in those days were unthinkable.”

About the FSC - Free Speech Coalition

Welcome Letter Print

Welcome to the Free Speech Coalition,

The Free Speech Coalition is the trade association for the adult entertainment industry.  Our members consist of a broad range of adult businesses from producers and webmasters to manufacturers, retailers and many, many more.

As the trade association for the adult entertainment industry our responsibilities are threefold: One, to be the watchdog for the adult entertainment industry guarding against unconstitutional and oppressive government intervention; Two, to be a voice for the industry telling the truth about the adult entertainment industry not only in the vital role it plays as an economic contributor, but also in its contribution to quality of life in a healthy society; and finally to provide business resources for our members to facilitate successful businesses in this ever-changing and challenging business environment.

If you are a visitor to our site, welcome and congratulations for taking the time to learn about the real adult entertainment industry, a legal, vital entertainment industry created for adults by adults.

If you are a member of FSC, welcome and thank you for your continued support.  We are here for you and because of you.  Let me assure you that we will continue to support adult businesses and fight for freedom of speech respecting the inherent right of adults to be adults.

About the ASACP


Founded in 1996, ASACP is a non-profit organization dedicated to online child protection. ASACP battles child pornography through its CP Reporting Hotline and helps parents prevent children from viewing age-restricted material online with the Restricted To Adults - RTA Website Label.


Shutting down CP sites (and catching child pornographers) can only happen if suspected sites are reported and investigated. Government bodies around the world are inundated with reports and the resources to review them all simply do not exist.

ASACP offers a secure, anonymous reporting system for the general public to report questionable content who may feel uncomfortable contacting government agencies.

ASACP fosters communication and cooperation with the online adult industry. This means we have the outreach and access to involve adult sites and their customers in our fight.

ASACP has the knowledge and technical ability to review submitted reports and forward suspect sites to the authorities who consider our Red Flag Reports to be high priority.


ASACP educates members, the online adult industry, government policy makers, and the public about child protection, illegal online activities, and the efforts of the online adult industry to battle child sexual abuse. To do this, ASACP:

  • ASACP provides an online hotline for web surfers and webmasters to report suspected child pornography.
  • Investigates reports and determine the ownership of suspected CP sites and forwards Red Flagreports to international government agencies and associations including the FBI and the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, as well as International Hotlines.
  • Notifies ISPs and payment processors when their hosting and billing services are hijacked by CP operators.
  • Creates a Code of Ethics for our Membership program - a model of effective self-regulation for the online adult industry.
  • Establishes Best Practices which are recommended for adult sites, search engines, billing and hosting companies, dating sites, adult sites and others.
  • Created the RTA ("Restricted to Adults") label to better enable parental filtering, and to demonstrate the online adult industry's commitment to helping parents prevent children from viewing age-inappropriate content.
  • Informs members on current, new and pending laws and regulations pertaining to child pornography and protection.



What we do

SWP staff and allies carry the banner in the LGBT Pride Parade 2010.

Photo by Maya Paley.

The Sex Workers Project (SWP) provides legal services and legal training, and engages in documentation and policy advocacy, for sex workers. Using a harm reduction and human rights model, we protect the rights and safety of sex workers who by choice, circumstance, or coercion remain in the industry.

The SWP provides critical information to policymakers, activists, and the media on the human rights abuses faced by sex workers and those who are at risk for engaging in sex work. We use documentation-based advocacy, policy analysis, training and education, and collaboration with community-based service providers to advance practical, long-term solutions to the problems faced by this vulnerable and marginalized population. We document the lives of sex workers and put a human face on violations of their human rights.

The SWP works to ensure that the criminal justice system appropriately responds to the needs of sex workers; that victims of trafficking in persons have access to legal and other benefits; and that community-based service providers who work with sex workers have the expertise to assist them. The SWP works in the following areas: criminal justice reform; trafficking in persons; and human rights documentation.

Politics : Civil Rights, Lifestyle : Sex and Gender


Facebook Censors Female Sexual Desire?

On July 27th Violet Blue received an email from Facebook informing her that the 3,000+ member sex-positive women's empowerment community she founded on her "Our Porn, Ourselves" page had been deleted. I was a member of that community, which was meticulously maintained in accordance with Facebook's published Terms of Use by Violet, and I'm a woman who watches porn.

I'm appalled by what appears to be Facebook's targeted censorship. It's also very disturbing that the anti-porn zealots like "Porn Harms", who have been harassing both Violet personally and members of the community, have claimed the community's deletion as a victory for their side and are offering thanks to Facebook.

Dan Savage reports on the situation this week; you can read more here and here, watch a video, and get updates on Violet's Posterous blog. The OPO Pro-Porn Manifesto, which was included on the deleted Facebook page, is on the Our Porn, Ourselves site.

Here is Violet's letter to Facebook, republished with her permission:

Source: Carnal Nation (